Exhibits_ASIIN_VNUHCM-US 1. Study regulation 2. Documents-other sources where programme-specific objectives and learning outcomes are written down and published BSc in EETBSc in ES 3. Official document in which official programme name is indicated BSc in EETBSc in ES 4. Objective-Module Matrix BSc in EETBSc in ES 5. Study Plan or Curricular Overview in a table format that informs about Student workload BSc in EETBSc in ES 6. Module Handbook BSc in EETBSc in ES 7. Official admission regulation 7.1 VNUHCM Admission Regulation7.2 Admission brochure_2023 8. Documents containing provisions for the recognition of externally acquired academic achievements 8.1. Study regulation_US8.2. Provisions for Students_ externally acquired academic achievement recognitions extracted from the student handbook7.2 Admission brochure_2023 9. Documents indicating that student workload is corroborated by the institution BSc in EETBSc in ES 10. Examination regulations 10.1. Educational Testing provision_201610.2. Amendment_supplement_Educational Testing provision_201610.3. Regulation on responsibilities of staff and learners in the exam sesions10.4. Online examination provision10.5. Provisions for English Module_US 11. Graded exams-reports-final projects and other student work BSc in EETBSc in ES 12. Statistical data about the progress of studies BSc in EETBSc in ES 13. Staff Handbook BSc in EETBSc in ES 14. Cooperation agreements BSc in EETBSc in ES 15. Sample diploma or degree certificate BSc in EETBSc in ES 16. Sample diploma supplement BSc in EETBSc in ES 17. Any other regulations which apply, e.g. code of conduct, teacher responsibilities, etc 17.1. Internal regualtions of VNUHCM_US17.2. Regulations on working regime of lecturers_US 18.Sample student survey questionnaire Student Survey_academic year 2021-2022Student Survey_academic year 2022-202317.2. Regulations on working regime of lecturers_US 19. Results of student surveys BSc in EETBSc in ES ECTS Decision on credit transfer according to the VQF_ECTS Report on quality improvement Following Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Academic Year 2023-2024